TP157 – The Pursuit of Price Transparency in Healthcare

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
TP157 - The Pursuit of Price Transparency in Healthcare

As health systems embrace customer-first strategies and consumerism, one aspect of many of these strategies is notable absent: price transparency. In this episode, hosts Reed Smith and Chris Boyer discuss how the industry is facing unparalleled pressure to publish their prices online. They discuss the recent executive order on health care price transparency, how payers, employers and hospitals are responding and then are joined by expert Michael Krivich, in which he shares his expertise in how health systems can embrace price transparency. 

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Chris Boyer

Principal, @chrisboyer LLC  Using digital marketing, experience and UCD/CX to transform healthcare. Co-host of the touch point podcast and founder of the Touch Point Media network. 

Reed Smith

VP @jarrardinc, Advisor @MayoClinic Social Media Network and @SXSW Health & MedTech. @SocialHealthIns and @tpmnetwork founder
