About This Show

In the Healthcare Soothsayers podcast series, host Dr. Bonnie Clipper meets with healthcare leaders to discuss the trends and innovations that they believe will impact health, well-being, the future of work, and patient outcomes.

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Hosted By

Bonnie Clipper

Dr. Bonnie Clipper is a top nurse influencer, innovation evangelist, accomplished health care executive, coach, and international speaker. She is a former chief nurse executive with 20 years of expertise in building cultures of innovation, improving employee engagement, and improving the patient experience. She was co-author of The Innovation Roadmap: A Nurse Leader’s Guide and was the lead author of the International Best-Selling book, The Nurse’s Guide to Innovation.  She was the first Vice President of Innovation at the American Nurses Association, where she created the ANA’s innovation framework and is currently the chief clinical officer at Wambi, a health tech company.
