In our annual “Best-of” 2020 show, hosts Reed Smith and Chris Boyer reflect back on this unprecedented year, sharing some of their most favorite topics, guests and episodes from the TouchPoint podcast and countdown listener’s top voted categories, including: best cold-open, best episode topic, best guest expert and the coveted Top Fan of 2020.
Best Cold Open:
Most Popular State (by Downloads):
- California
Best Use of the Term “Unprecedented”:
- Whenever referring to our front-line healthcare workers (and the challenges they faced this year)
The Oddest Place We Recorded an Episode:
Most Downloaded Episode:
Best Episode (as voted on by our listeners):
- TP157 – The Pursuit of Price Transparency in Healthcare
- TP158 – User Centricity in HealthCare Design
Best Episode Topic We Didn’t Record:
- Intranets & Internal Communication Technology
Weirdest OS in Which Our Podcast Was Played:
- Windows Media Player
Who Is Smarter?
- Chris
Best Guest Expert:
Best Fan of 2020:
Best Recommendation:
- A garden shovel
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