TP50 – The 5 x 10

TP50 - The 5 x 10

Celebrating their 50th episode, hosts Reed Smith and Chris Boyer decide to analyze top-10 lists of digital, social media and technology trends that will impact marketers in 2018. From articles from Forbes, Gartner, and others, the hosts explore these lists to aggregate their own list of the top tools, technologies and trends that hospital marketers should address in the upcoming year. What makes the list – chatbots, augmented reality, Snapchat, AI? Tune in to this episode to find out what makes the grade.

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Find Us Online

Chris Boyer

Principal, @chrisboyer LLC  Using digital marketing, experience and UCD/CX to transform healthcare. Co-host of the touch point podcast and founder of the Touch Point Media network. 

Reed Smith

VP @jarrardinc, Advisor @MayoClinic Social Media Network and @SXSW Health & MedTech. @SocialHealthIns and @tpmnetwork founder
