TP416: ICYMI – Is Patient Access Improving?

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
TP416: ICYMI - Is Patient Access Improving?

In this week’s episode, hosts Reed Smith and Chris Boyer share their perceptions and insights on patient access – what it is, what internal and external factors are impacting access and then they dive into a recent study by Experian that implies that both patients and providers are feeling optimistic about access improvements in health systems. Lastly, they share some ways to implement a consumer-centric access strategy. 

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Reed Smith

VP @jarrardinc, Advisor @MayoClinic Social Media Network and @SXSW Health & MedTech. @SocialHealthIns and @tpmnetwork founder

Chris Boyer

Principal, @chrisboyer LLC  Using digital marketing, experience and UCD/CX to transform healthcare. Co-host of the touch point podcast and founder of the Touch Point Media network. 
