Encore episode of one of our post popular shows (originally published in July 2019): We live in a data-rich world, and any of us that spend time online already know that our data footprint is being tracked and analyzed for a multiple of reasons…including marketing. But what is the ultimate value of health records that are being kept within health systems? In this episode, hosts Reed Smith and Chris Boyer discuss why health records command such a high price on the dark web, how data is de-identified (and if it can be reversed). They are joined by Jeremy Mittler from Crossix in which he shares how de-identified data can be leveraged for marketing effectiveness.
Mentions from the Show:
- Sutter Health sued for allegedly sharing patients’ health data with Facebook, Google
- Patient medical records sell for $1K on dark web
- Guidance Regarding Methods for De-identification of Protected Health Information in Accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule
- The Outlook for Data 2019: A Snapshot Into the Evolving Role of Audience Insight
- AI can re-identify de-identified health data, study finds
- Jeremy Mittler on LinkedIn
- Crossix website
- Crossix blog