Why data-driven diseases are ripe for patient-led initiatives – a conversation with Dana Lewis

Touch Point Podcast
Why data-driven diseases are ripe for patient-led initiatives - a conversation with Dana Lewis

Today’s Guest: Dana Lewis | Creator of the “Do-It-Yourself Pancreas System” (#DIYPS), founder of the open source artificial pancreas system movement (#OpenAPS), and a passionate advocate of patient-centered, -driven, and -designed research.

Greg and Dana talk about data driven diseases and how patients can play a leading role in developing new mechanisms for living with them.

important Links:
DIYPS Website:  https://diyps.org/
Dana’s LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/danalewis/
Dana’s Twitter:  https://twitter.com/danamlewis

Follow Dana on Twitter at www.twitter.com/danamlewis.

For more info about Greg Matthews, visit: http://linkedin.com/in/gdmatthews


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Greg Matthews

Greg Matthews

Healthcare + Data & Analytics + Strategy | Matthews has been at the forefront of healthcare innovation for the last decade, and has worked for and with some of the largest healthcare companies in the world. He is the founder of HealthQuant, a healthcare analytics & strategy firm based in Austin, Texas.
