Welcome to Touchpoint:  a podcast dedicated to discussions on digital marketing and digital patient engagement strategies for hospitals, health systems, and physicians practices. In this podcast, we’ll dive deep into a variety of topics on the digital tools, solutions, strategies and processes that are impacting our industry today.

In this episode, Reed Smith and Chris Boyer discuss the intersection of wearable technologies and medical devices, and how the sudden rise of wearable devices and the “internet of things” have driven the need for useful and usable solutions for patients and consumers alike. The hosts also touch on how hospitals should begin integrating this data into official patient records. This episode also features an expert interview with Dana M. Lewis in which she discusses the #OpenAPS community and the #WeAreNotWaiting movement.

Mentions from the show


  • Reed: G-Technology GDrive Mobile USB Portable Hard Drive
  • Chris: Apple Stickers