Election 2020: What happened to healthcare?

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
Election 2020: What happened to healthcare?

The election is looming. There’s so much uncertainty, and if you’re listening to this on Wednesday, September 30, then you’re still probably like us, sitting on the couch, motionless, staring at your now switched off TV and some kind of empty glass in your hand trying to figure out what the crap happened last night. If anyone was hoping for clear answers to the uncertainty… that wasn’t it.

And yet, healthcare leaders need to prepare their organizations for, uh, well, whatever it is that’s coming.

We pride ourselves in looking around corners here at Jarrard, but even we aren’t 100% sure what’s coming. Still, we’ve got a lot of thoughts on the types of conversations that will be taking place around the election and healthcare. That includes some of the hotspots that will erupt – and by erupt I mean be part of the discussion among people actually looking at the issues, not erupt as in, well, last night.

But really, behind the tension and heat around the election and the incoherence of the debate, it’s worth pointing out some areas where providers could temper their expectations. For example, the ACA isn’t going to be repealed, or Medicare for All enacted, any time soon – regardless of who wins.

We got a group of our political junkies together to riff on what’s going on. Here, we’ve taken some highlights from that roundtable discussion. The conversation included – in order of appearance, our CEO David Jarrard, Vice President in our Regional Practice Justin Gibbs, Senior Vice President in our National Practice Tim Stewart, and Partner and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Phillips.

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David Shifrin

A Left-handed PhD working in a world of right-handed MDs, David is the editorial manager at Jarrard Phillips Cate and Hancock. With over a decade of experience in research, writing and content development, he specializes in curating ideas and making technical concepts accessible to broad audiences. In short, Shifrin helps thought leaders move past jargon to present core messages in a meaningful way.
