Chris Pace of Banner Health on Removing Friction from the Customer Experience

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
Chris Pace of Banner Health on Removing Friction from the Customer Experience

As Senior Director of Digital Marketing at Banner Health, Chris Pace is instrumental in making sure the largest hospital system and employer in the state of Arizona delivers on the mission: making health care easier, so life can be better. Learn how his philosophy of “strategy first, tools second” along with his elite team is powering a digital transformation that impacts nearly every step on the patient journey, including online scheduling, billing and other touch points. Get practical advice on creating a zero click strategy, consolidating websites and personalizing content, along with personal insights from his journey to cope with imposter syndrome.




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Jane Crosby

VP of Strategy and Business Development at True North Custom

As a strategy lead for True North Custom, Jane coordinates with healthcare partners to generate and implement strategies for building brand, increasing patient and referral revenue and optimizing marketing technology outcomes. Formerly with Medicom Health Interactive, Jane has extensive experience in data-driven and digital marketing strategies that drive brand and revenue growth for healthcare organizations. She earned a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration from the University of Minnesota Duluth.

Eric Silberman

President at True North Custom

For nearly 20 years, Eric Silberman has been guiding healthcare organizations across the country toward effective marketing strategies. He has particular expertise in marketing strategies leveraging data analytics and marketing technology to drive patient engagement and acquisition. He serves as Executive Editor for Healthcare Insight magazine — a publication that reaches virtually every healthcare strategy and marketing professional in America — and is a frequent speaker at industry events, including the annual SHSMD, Hospital Marketing National, and Healthcare Internet conferences.
