Welcome to touch•point: a podcast dedicated to discussions on digital marketing and online patient engagement strategies for hospitals, health systems, and physicians practices. In this show, we plan to dive deep into a variety of topics on the digital tools, solutions, strategies and processes that are impacting our industry today.
The topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is discussed by Reed Smith and Chris Boyer in episode 8. First, they cover the essentials that every hospital and health system needs when considering an SEO strategy. They then review an article written by Shel Holtz on the declining relevance of SEO. Facing off, the hosts argue whether SEO will eventually be a moot point. Lastly, they interview Patrick Singson, principal of The Raven Firm, on the evolution of SEO and where hospitals need to focus in the future when optimizing their own search engine efforts.
Mentions from the show
- 11 SEO Techniques and Strategies for 2017
- One True Answer and the declining relevance of search and SEO
- Forum for Healthcare Strategy 2017 Summit
- Reed: SongHub on iTunes
- Chris: Zoom video conferencing