TP376 – Composing the Future of DXPs

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
TP376 - Composing the Future of DXPs

In health systems, many organizations are rightfully starting to consider the evolution of their website CMS to a Digital Experience Platform (DFP) – but what does that mean? In this episode, hosts Reed Smith and Chris Boyer clarify what a DXP is, including discussing differences between DXPs and CMSs and how websites are begin to evolve to meet the needs of modern digital experiences. John Berndt from Valtech joins to discuss his perspective on DXPs and how adopting a composability framework, while more complicated, can provide significant value to an organization. 

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Reed Smith

VP @jarrardinc, Advisor @MayoClinic Social Media Network and @SXSW Health & MedTech. @SocialHealthIns and @tpmnetwork founder

Chris Boyer

Principal, @chrisboyer LLC  Using digital marketing, experience and UCD/CX to transform healthcare. Co-host of the touch point podcast and founder of the Touch Point Media network. 
