You can’t underestimate the power of one person’s healthcare story.
Aaron Campbell, CPXP, leads Jarrard Inc’s Patient Experience work. Here, he talks about three things chief experience officers, CEOs and other leaders at hospitals and health systems can do to communicate more effectively, gain the trust of patients and caregivers, and improve the patient experience.
While Campbell spends his professional time focused on helping our clients develop, implement and improve their patient experience programs, he has also served as a caregiver himself. That personal role led to a tragic and painful experience in early 2019. It’s a story that highlights the devastation poor communication and a lack of emphasis on the “caring” part of healthcare can have on patients, their loved ones, and – potentially, the hospital’s bottom line. We’re grateful and honored that Campbell was willing to go on record and share this story with us.
Learn more about Jarrard Inc’s Patient Experience work here: