INSIGHT – 6 steps for responding to questions about financial assistance policies

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
INSIGHT - 6 steps for responding to questions about financial assistance policies

Headlines about hospitals in hot water over their financial assistance policies abound, and health system executives are looking around wondering if they’re going to be next.

In an earlier post, we outlined five steps you can take today to prevent your organization from being on the receiving end of negative attention regarding your collections and financial assistance policy (or at least being prepared when it comes).

If you’re reading this thinking “it’s too late, we’re already on the front page,” or your policies are being questioned, we have some thoughts for you, too.

We sincerely hope your hospital or health system’s policies never come under fire. But if they do, we hope this information will help you navigate the issue and come out stronger on the other side.

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David Shifrin

A Left-handed PhD working in a world of right-handed MDs, David is the editorial manager at Jarrard Phillips Cate and Hancock. With over a decade of experience in research, writing and content development, he specializes in curating ideas and making technical concepts accessible to broad audiences. In short, Shifrin helps thought leaders move past jargon to present core messages in a meaningful way.
