GIR15 – Live Stream

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
GIR15 - Live Stream

In the last episode we explored portable lights for video and photography; in this episode we are talking about livestream options inside your organization. If you are a content creator, healthcare communicator, or a videographer; here are some great options and considerations for live streaming. We will be talking about options from Facebook Live from your iPhone or Android device and more professional options using a camera and laptop at an event.

Here are links to items we discussed:


Find Us Online

Bobby Rettew

Bobby Rettew is a multiple Emmy award-winning storyteller, content creator and digital communications strategist focused on the integration of storytelling into organizations’ business goals. Bobby is the owner of Rettew Creative.

Reed Smith

VP @jarrardinc, Advisor @MayoClinic Social Media Network and @SXSW Health & MedTech. @SocialHealthIns and @tpmnetwork founder
