056: Recidivism Series Part 1 – Homelessness, Poverty and Criminal Justice Reform

Touch Point Podcast
Touch Point Podcast
056: Recidivism Series Part 1 - Homelessness, Poverty and Criminal Justice Reform

Recidivism, poverty, homelessness and a community resource guide; what do all of these items have in common? Dave Phillips shares his path of engaging the needs of a community through a simple idea, a community resource guide. This simple idea provided a spring board, creating connections across Anderson County, South Carolina; leading Dave down a path of a bigger mission! Dave began building connectivity inside the newly created Criminal Justice Coordinating Council in Anderson County, South Carolina.


Community Resource Guide: https://myresourceguide.org/

Anderson County CJCC: https://www.andersoncountysc.org/criminal-justice-coordinating-council

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Bobby Rettew

Bobby Rettew is a multiple Emmy award-winning storyteller, content creator and digital communications strategist focused on the integration of storytelling into organizations’ business goals. Bobby is the owner of Rettew Creative.
